Thursday 10 October 2013

Glorious Golden Days

It's been a while since I last wrote a blog post, and since then we have been enjoying a beautiful Indian Summer here; honey tinged days warmed by the sun and brilliant blue skies above.  Sunflowers continued to nod their cheery faces at us from gardens still full of blooms but spirals of falling leaves and a nip in the air come teatime gently hinted that Summer was indeed leaving us, and yet it seemed to be endless.   

Then, just like that, it was Autumn.

A chill in the air and a wild wind arrived.  Like a travelling fair, Summer had packed away her glamours for another year and left quietly one night while we were sleeping.
A feeling of wanting to make the house cosy settles, I find extra cushions for the sofa, we light candles in the evening on the mantel and we put the eiderdown across the bottom of the bed for extra warmth at night.

We get out and about taking walks close to our home noticing the subtle changes in the light, the dusty green leaves turning crisp amber and gold, the flowers turning to sculptural seed heads (oh how I do love these) and the blackberries ripening in the hedgerows.  I like being outdoors, enjoying the shift of the seasons, and I relish the effect they have on all of my senses.  I love the scents and the colours of this season. 

I also notice how my grocery shopping changes, from crisp salad leaves and strawberries, to the rich sweet flavours of Autumn; butternut squash, mushrooms, parsnips and beets.  It's a time for hearty casseroles, chunky soups, warming and comforting flavours.

There is an abundance of apples in our neighbours garden and he gives us two carrier bags full, bulging with different varieties.  There is apple tarte tatin with thick, unctuous clotted cream and apple flapjacks for after school snacks.

We think the Summer Birds may have finally left.  As I stand on the back door early evening and search for signs of them, listen out for their familiar chatter I find empty and silent skies.  If anything marks a change in the season, its the arrival and departure of the beautiful swifts and swallows that swoop and dive above our river and over our rooftops each year.

With Autumn finally here, it's a busy time of year for me as I prepare for a Market Night.  I'm hosting this on my Facebook Page, so just like a real market you'll be able to browse and shop for Christmas goodies and gifts.  I'll share dates with you soon, but to be double sure you don't miss out, you're welcome to follow my page too.

I'm also putting together an gorgeous collection of cards for my Mailing List subscribers, which will be available at a very special price and exlusively to subscribers.  They'd make a fabulous gift, or a treat for yourself - why not sign up here to discover more?  The next e-zine will be published very soon, so don't miss out!

Yorkshire Snow, a limited edition print (run of 50), professionally printed on fine art paper, are now available on the website:


  1. Julia,
    I have visited your blog several times and each time I enjoy it more! Your posts are so much fun. Thank you for sharing.

    I have tried to purchase your e book but have been unable to do so. I have checked everywhere. Maybe you could give me some ideas. My husband thinks it's because I am in the US of A.

    My daughter and I would love for you to visit us at

    Have a GREAT day!
    Lorrie Deann

  2. You echo my thoughts about the changing seasons perfectly, especially the comfort food bit!
    And love the Yorkshire Snow print... the county of my birth so I may be biased.


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