Wednesday 4 September 2013

Transition Time


School has started again, after a long, hot and languorous Summer holiday.
I am all of a sudden alone in an empty house, there are lots of things to do, things to be cleaned and tidied but right now, I am aware of a silence and a stillness that wasn't there before, and I'm taking my time to acclimatise to it.
In a way, I had dreaded this day arriving, but it wasn't as bad as I imagined.  There's plenty to do today as it happens, little chores to fill the little gaps, to keep me occupied.  In an hour or so the house will ring with the sound of her little being again as she clatters in through the front door, throws her school bag on the sofa and runs outside to play.
September to me feels a little bit like a January; a time of fresh beginnings, new projects and so forth.  I'm in the throes of planning a Market Night which will be hosted on my Facebook Page, where I'll be selling some brand new, fresh original art!  There'll also be some new art products that I'll be sharing with my newsletter subscribers very soon - you can sign up for yours here.

See you again soon.


  1. Hi Julia! I hope you love autumn as I do! It's time for new beginnings and projects. Enjoy having more time for your painting!
    Your look has changed - it's beautiful! x Teje

    1. Teje,

      How lovely to hear from you - thank you for writing. I'm afraid I've neglected my Blog chums of late, it's time for some catching up I think.

      Sending love,
      Julia xxx


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