Monday, 30 March 2009

Busy Busy but so much FUN!

I've had the lovliest weekend - pottering and pootling about - visiting places, spring time projects with the little one, helping at the first annual Craft Candy spring fair...let me start at the beginning, which was friday evening and I decided on a whim to make myself a long yearned for pin cushion! A tiny scrap of lovely vintage fabric, pretty cotton ribbon and a shiny shell button and hurrah! Pin cushion lovliness all ready to be covered in the silvery things!

On saturday afternoon I helped out at the Craft Candy first annual Spring Fling event. I am lucky enough to belong to this wonderful group but as I wasn't having a stall this time, I didnt want to miss out on any of the action (or lovely things for sale) so spent a rather delicious afternoon down at the Workstation in Sheffield city centre. It was a grand turnout and I didnt come away empty handed either...I had spied these precious beauties on Yvonnes gorgeous folksy shop and vowed to myself if they were on her table at the fair, they would be birthday money well spent and coming home with me.

Well, as you can see I was very, very lucky to find them on her table and I swiftly took them off her hands! You can find more of her lovely things here, at, she's a very talented lady :)

It was hard work not spending alot of money at all the lovely stalls, there was so much talent there and too much temptation, but I really couldnt resist this little purse for my daughter to keep her pennies in and this unusual and very unique owl hanging (which has found its way into my kitchen and looks quite at home hanging from one of the cupboard door knobs!). These were made by Lucia, of Betty Joy and you really ought to go see her stuff, shes brilliant!
The day ended in style, my other half ringing up to say we were off to the pub for a tasty meal! Hurrah again!! A nice meal and a good glass of wine was just the ticket after a splendid afternoon at the fair!

Sunday, was a rather more laid back affair...
I decided we ought to be getting around to the business of planting some seeds...

We are planning to give over some of our flowery garden space to vegetables this year, and so on Sunday morning me and the tot got busy with compost and trays, planting peas, echinacea flowers, sunflowers and plum tomatoes. A great start to things we thought! In the next couple of weeks I am hoping to lay my hands on a little grow house to accomodate more seedlings as the weather turns warmer - we will need the space as we don't have much in the way of sunny windowledges in our little house.

So here they are, trays of dark compost with hidden delights emerging under the soil...fingers crossed!!

Later in the day, we went over to Wentworth village and enjoyed a gentle stroll around the garden centre before walking back down the avenue that leads to the village church, either side of the little path was covered in bright yellow drifts of daffodils that stretched on as far as the eye could see! The little one was delighted to be let loose and it took us at least 40 minutes to walk up the path, acknowledging each daffodil and pup that happened to pass us on the way.

We popped out in the George and Dragon pub garden - a delightful looking place for a summers eve we thought and made a mental note to return when the weather was a tad warmer, even though British Summertime officially began this weekend, the breeze had an arctic chill in it and fingers were in need of the gloves we'd all left back in the house.

Back home, little one bathed and put to bed we finally sat down and I got to relaxing with some therapeutic crochet. Ive blocked three squares and it looks, so far, like this! Im immensley pleased and proud of it, Ive never attempted anything so big before. I worked out that I need 40 of these blocks if Im making it as big as I want it...but theres no hurry to finish it!
So that was that!! And today, I did my first workshop at the Sheffield Childrens Hospital. I had a really lovely time there, and the children that I spent time with making Easter pictures were an absolute delight. Im looking forward to going back again soon.

Hope you all had lovely weekends, sending love, sunny corners, chamomile tea and a comfy chair to you...oh and a good book - enjoy your week, see you soon!

Love J xxx


  1. Lovely post Julia! Your crochet is coming on nicely. It looks as though you had great weekend buying things, growing things and making things! Have a lovely, happy and productive week. x

  2. Hi Julia...I didnt realise you were in Sheffield, Pete lived there .. a long long time ago when he did his languages degree...we are in leeds for our sins...your crochet looks lovely, I am making a bag and its so addictive...I even take it to school...I dont do it in lessons I might add...

  3. Hi Julia, Glad you came over to Wentworth, did you get to do the wool shop? There's loads to see and do in Wentworth, but you have to know where to look. I love all your "buys" you didnt do a very good job of resisting did you.Ha ha. xxx

  4. Hi Julia
    Reading your posts, it strikes me what a multi talented person you are! All these wonderful skills and interests you have. You must lead a happy life. Very pretty cushion and the crochet work, fab!
    Isabelle x

  5. I love your pin cushion!! having spilt my pins twice in as many days I'm desperate for one but as I've e-mailed my husband the link to to a Cath Kidston flowerpot one (a big hint for my birthday) I daren't now make one (wouldn't like to hurt his feelings).

    I have lots of seeds poised to be planted too but it's so chilly still that I'm avoiding prolonged stints in the garden for as long as possible.

  6. Wow! Busy you..and lots of lovely goodies too. Your crochet is coming along beautifully.
    Happy week!
    Diana x

  7. Hello Julia
    I so enjoyed reading this post. I do like the little bits and bobs you picked up at the craft fair. Love the colours you have chosen for your crochet work. And oh dear! you have reminded me, that I have still not got my seeds planted! really must get to it this coming weekend.
    Wishing you a lovely week


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