
Thursday 13 December 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

I've been busy of an evening this last week...

...hugely inspired by Attic 24's latest creation, I felt a sudden need for a crocheted Christmas wreath of my own.  So the yarn basket was ransacked for suitable colours and once I had a decent pile (variations of DK yarn; acrylic, merino and cashmerino) I got busy making a long stripy rectangle to cover my polystyrene wreath (it's a flat backed one which I picked up quite cheaply in Hobbycraft).

I wasn't quite sure how the crocheted rectangle would fit around the wreath, but as Lucy reassured us on her blog; despite it looking like it won't,  it somehow just does - and it did.

My wreath was going to need some adornments too...and there was a sudden flurry of pom-pom making the other night, and cutting out of holly from felt.  A little jaunt to Homebase resulted in a top find of some Jingle Bells - only £2.99 for a tube of 10, and a chance find of some mini decorative baubles on wires in Paperchase were just too good to ignore.

Once home, I raided the button tin and ribbon stash, and got busy.

I sewed the Jingle Bells on, but the rest of the ribbons, pom-poms and holly leaves are pinned on.  It's very easy to attach them to the polystyrene using pins, and you can move things about a bit too, if you change your mind.

I think the mini decorative baubles and bells are lovely, they really catch the light.

We decided that it would be nice to have our new wreath hanging on the door which leads into our lounge, where everyone would see it best:

 I'm so pleased with how this turned out, and I'm already planning another one for Springtime, full of juicy colours, flowers and lots more pom-poms!

As we huddle indoors of an evening now, and cosy up on the sofa under our crochted blankets, watching telly and reading books by the glow of candles and Christmas lights, we are grateful to be tucked up warm with one another as the weather has turned decidedly cold.

Yesterday morning there was a thick frost which glittered beautifully in the rising sun.  The trees down the valley were gauzy white; the sky was a soft shell pink and the air was very still.  As I made my way down to the little wall to peek at the river, a flock of wintering goosanders that had been swimming downstream suddenly took off into the air, their beating wings a percussion of noise which broke the freezing silence.

So it's no surprise that we like cosying up in our little home together...

We love hunkering down of a Sunday afternoon to watch Elf and other favourite Christmas films, and we've also been enjoying a bit of Festive Makery together too...

This last Sunday saw an industrious bout of paper chain making (these are from Phoenix Cards), which we strung up alongside some of those funky and fabulous retro tissue paper balls.  I've seen these featured in a couple of magazines and on the internet but found them way too expensive to justify shelling out on.  Then we discovered some in Wilkinsons for just a pound a piece (the larger ones are still good value at £1.75 for a whopping 30cm sized ball) and we brought home some cheery red and white ones to go with our paper chains.

We think it looks very cool.

So, the house is finally decorated; the order book is closed and I'm winding up the last few hand painted goodies to go out to their new homes.  It's been a whirlwind these last few weeks and I am now looking forward enormously to relaxing and enjoying the holidays.

I like this time of year, as we head towards the end of December.  It's a very good time for Creative Percolation, and as I step back from my painting for a while to spend time with family and friends, I usually find new ideas blooming.  These are written down in my planner, for things to come back to in January.  But for now, the games will be brought downstairs and we'll play Monopoly and Guess Who; we'll eat too many mince pies and drink a tad too much mulled wine.  We'll see the little ones sing in the choir at church on Christmas Eve and go to the panto on New Years Eve.  We'll look forward to driving out to Castleton in Derbyshire to see the little trees lit up, a tradition almost as old as I am (my parents would take me and my sister, and now as we take our own daughter).  I like the gentle traditions of this time of year, and also the new ones that my own family are creating alongside them.

Sending love and peace to you and yours, wherever you are in the world.

Julia x


  1. lovely...'ve also managed to take a smashing picture of our stream... ...where are the road signs and shopping trolleys? ;-)

    Happy Christmas!

  2. Gosh I do love your wreath! There's something about it that's both festive and very British at the same time. It looks lovely hanging on the wooden door. and your living room looks so cosy.

  3. I love your Christmas wreath. The colours are gorgeous and the pom poms are adorable. I've been putting off making one but I think yours might have just tipped me over the edge!

  4. Love your wreath - absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Your wreath is lovely! I think I must try one -- but Spring is a good idea since I don't have time for one right now.

  6. Hi Julia, I LOVE your wreath and the colours you chose are perfect. Your home is looking so festive and happy.
    Have a great Christmas.
    Jacquie x

  7. The wreath is beautiful Julia, and the house looks so inviting. I've never been one for lots of decorations, this year there are just two trees, one small white one on a cupboard in the hall next to the dresser and a green one in the book room, stuffed full of all manner of things and looking so lovely when the warm white lights are on.
    Have a lovely Christmas and a successful new year.

  8. I'm really enjoying seeing cozy homes and wintery Christmas images from cold Northern climates around the blogosphere. It is in stark contrast to here where I live in Australia, where we are inside in the air-conditioning to escape the heat, or swimming to stay cool. I love your wreath too. I have been watching the progression of Lucy's and thinking about making a start on one. Thanks for the kind Christmas wishes, and wishing the same to you.

  9. Julia that is the most beautiful yarn wreath I've seen yet! The addition of the sweet glass balls and the bells really sets it off. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I adore the wreath! So bright and happy! And your outdoor pictures are beautiful!

  11. aaah, gentle traditions, yes they are the best, aren't they?

    I enjoyed this post. It made me feel so cosy, your home is looking very inviting and nestish (new word) for Christmas.

    The bells on the wreath just make it. Great combination there. Enjoy your inspirational rest.


  12. Lovely blog Julia. Hope you have a wonderful new year ahead. I turned 50 this year and have finally come to terms with the loss of my parents. My daughter has recently become a home owner, and I'm so happy she is finally settled. So myself and my husband are getting some time just to chill. 2012 has been my happiest year for a long time. I hope 2013 will bring more of the same. Xxx

  13. That's a beautiful wreath and a wonderful photo of the stream.

  14. I love the wreath and I'll have to make one for next year. They would make excellent gifts too. Your paper chain is great too. What a festive looking home. Love it all!!

  15. I really love the wreath, I hope I'll have to make one for this year, otherwise I will put it on my to do list for next year. I'm gonna follow your blog :-)

    Have a really nice day.

    Greetings from Holland,


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