
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Colouring the Days

Yesterday I felt compelled to rush out and fill my house with blooms.  I don't usually spend too much on flowers, and will often pick up a little bunch of daffodils for a pound or so and be content to look at their sunny yellow heads.  But yesterday, overcome by a sudden need for colour, I went out and treated myself to a veritable armload of the things and plopped them in jam jars and vases around my house.

Candy pink tulips, indigo irises and a starburst posy of tiny, sweet scented narcissi.
I know it seems frivolous, but the satisfaction that these colourful visitors are bringing me is magnified and deep seated each time I see them.
Determined to make this a week of colour (to counteract the overcast behaviour of the weather) I also found myself some new threads...

Now I'm quite excited about these; you see I'm planning on making a necklace, but before I could start, I needed to unravel the rainbow skeins and instead of creating tiny balls from which to crochet from, I took inspiration from Pinterest here and did this:

Old style wooden pegs are the best thing ever for looking after your skeins of floss and embroidery threads.  I got very excited when I first saw that picture on Pinterest and was determined to do it myself.  

I shall share more about my necklace project with you soon!

In the meantime, we have been enjoying a snow laden weekend here...

Much fun was to be had out sledging, making snow angels and snowmen before retreating inside my Mum's cottage to be handed big steaming mugs of hot coffee and cookies.  I took mine outside, and went for a wander.  I do like how snow makes everything look so effortlessly beautiful.


 The seedheads looked particularly beautiful against the white snowy ground, and a recent vapour trail looked ever so much like a pretty garland against that bright, azure blue sky...

I must confess to liking being indoors at the moment though.  I like my cosy house and all it's homely corners and I'm slowly getting used to the fact that I have all this extra time on my hands now my Small is off being busy at school.  There are often too many hours in my day, but gradually I am fillling them with nice homely type things, such as tea drinking, crochet or like today, a spot of baking.  There is nothing more comforting to the soul than to have the aroma of baking in the house on a snowy day.

Todays bake was oaty cookies, enhanced with a generous scoop of chopped brazils and juicy sultanas.  I've already consumed three, and am tempted by a fourth...

On the arty front, I'm pootling about with my sketchbooks, contemplating a new painting and working on a couple of commissions here and there.  Here's one I recently finished, now safely in it's new home in Italy:

One last thing before I leave you (to dash into the kitchen to replenish my cookie plate) ~ a copy of Her Nashville came through the door just now.  Seeing it in 'real life' is all rather exciting I must say!

I hope you all have a lovely week, I'm so pleased you came to see me today!

Love Julia x x x


  1. Lovely photos and the rainbow yarn is gorgeous.

  2. I'm so with you on feeling that need for colour Julia. A vase of cheery spring flowers is pure medicine for the soul.

    I absolutely adore your bridal picture. It's beautiful. I've just skipped back and read your post telling the tale. Well worth the 'wait'. You should feel so extremely proud!


  3. Those cookies look deelish!
    We've not had any settling snow, just a light dusting that was washed away - enough for me! ;o) Your name painting is gorgeous, they'll be thrilled!
    Jess x

  4. Your flowers are lovely and as soon as I can get my car out of the garage I shall be buying some. I hope this brief sunny spell will melt the ice outside my door.

  5. I'm feeling the need for colour too so your pics are a treat x

  6. I just love getting e-mails of your posts. You are such a bright spot in my day. I love today's post with all the brilliant colors and the contrast of the white snow scenes! All Beautiful. Blessings to you, have a wonderful day!

  7. Oh I need colour too Julia. Especially at this time of year. The cookies look delicious and make me feel quite hungry...and the threads look divine. Love them on the pegs and cannot wait to see what you have in store for them!

    Have a super week

    Much love

    Vanessa xxxxxxxxx

  8. Such lovely photos! So happy you enjoyed the snow & come cookies with your mum!

  9. Lovely pics and the flowers do look lovely. Look forward to seeing your necklace. x

  10. What a great idea using pegs! I look forward to seeing the necklace as I have some of those threads too.

  11. I love the peg idea! Such a lovely way to display them too! xx

  12. Hi Julia
    What a lovely post, the flowers just bring spring into your home although outside is definitely winter, Look forward to seeing the jewellery you make with the wool! and your biscuits are definitely making me hungry! I expect you were so pleased when you saw your bridal picture on the front of the magazine.
    Have a great week.

  13. You are making me want to rush out and fill mine with colour too! Lovely photos - I especially like your mug. :)

  14. Sometimes flowers are just what you need aren't they! Love your yarn can't wait to see what you make with it.
    Keep munching those delicious cookies they are sure to keep you warm!

  15. Wow Julia,

    I remember when that type of clothes peg was the 'newfangled' type (remember the dolly peg variety?)

    Good to see you have some colour in your part of the world. We could do with some here (Oz).
    Apparently they are expecting 21 out of the 28 days of February to be raining, and this is summer.


  16. Lovely flowers, so pretty and cheerful today! The variegated thread is so pretty too. I bought some baker's twine which came wound onto a peg like that...ingenious!
    Lovely snow pics, and delicious cookies too! Well done on the lovely new painting and the fab magazine cover.
    Have a happy cosy week.
    Helen x

  17. That magazine cover is fabulous! What a beautifully styled bride!

    Flower buying. It was my youngest daughter's second birthday last week and I purchased her a generous sized bunch of cut hyacinthes. She seemed as excited as I was!

    So much to love in this post: variagated silk threads and cookies. Heaven.


  18. Your posts are always wonderful! And I like so much your photos.

  19. Hello Julia! I’m passing on to your blog “The Versatile Blogger” Award if you wish it. Take a look here:
    Have a nice day!
    Olga ☼

  20. Loving the peg idea, just what I need. Only yesterday I was trying to untangle a skein of pearl thread and thinking'there must be a better way to store these!'

  21. Hi Julia.

    I love your injection of colour - I think this time of year Spring flowers are just the ticket, though mine are only just starting to peek through in the garden, but at a pound a bunch I have at least four bunches of daffs dotted around the house.

    Nina xxxx

    ps. I've just spent this afternoon pulling together the pom pom tutorial so hopefully by the end of the week - if not tomorrow. N x

  22. Hello Julia, so pleased to have found your blog! I will add it to my list so that I can keep up to date with all your news.

    Bev x


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