
Monday 1 August 2011

Being Creative Gallery Check In ~ July

Hello and a belated but warm welcome to the July Gallery for the Being Creative Group.

I'm just back home from a little holiday down at my sisters and am doing a rather quick blog post so you have somewhere to link your gorgeous work from!  I'm looking forward to seeing your contributions this month, and will be adding mine in due course (I'm typing this out in between bundling loads of washing on and unpacking a tremendous amount of bags - sure we didn't take that much stuff with us!).

Anyway, the theme for July was 'Summer' - I've already enjoyed seeing some of your creations in our Flickr group.  For those of you who have just signed up to the group, you are welcome to join the Flickr group too.  This is a useful way of sharing what you have done if you don't have a blog or access to share your pictures with us any other way.

You can use the link tool at the bottom of this post to share links to your Flickr page or blog page - just copy and paste the URL to create a direct link that allows others to see your creations!  The gallery for the July theme will be open until the 31st of August for you to post your links, you can also find gallery pages for previous months in the side bar. 

I must apologise if this post seems a little rushed - indeed it is!  I was actually due home yesterday but we were delayed by a sudden heatwave and took off to the Norfolk coast instead of coming home (naughty naughty).  I've heaps to catch up on so I'm going to leave it short and sweet for now - normal service will be resumed for next months gallery page, where you will be able to share work for the August theme of TRAVEL.  I'll be posting out an e-letter for subscribers of the Being Creative Project Newsletter during August with tips and creative support for this months theme.  If you haven't signed up already and would like to, it's free to do so and you will also receive a free mini creativity e-book!  Just fill in the subscription form on the Being Creative page (tab at the top of the page).

If you are new to the group or have any questions, please get in touch!

Sending love,
Julia x


  1. Hello Julia! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on art with us, and having this monthly sharing projects going on. Just wanted to let you know that I would like to feature you on my blog some time if you would like to.

  2. Geez Louise, another month missed. Pants! x

  3. me too (missed!) even bigger pants
    fee x
    (SO gonna gt myself sorted for August lest you throw me off!)
    fee x

  4. Well, I've done it, added my link though it has a red cross next to it... does that mean it didn't work?
    Remember that feeling of... 'did we really take all this with us' when unpacking. I think because dirty washing tends to get chucked in a carrier bag and not folded, it makes it look as if there is more, and of course, when we went to Hay-on-Wye there was definitely a lot more coming home than being taken!! Heavier too.

  5. Hi Julia, Love your Being Creative theme for your lastest gallery check in! I will be uploading my link soon!

  6. just found you & love your art!
    yummy beautiful colors, lines, & love!! xox

  7. Really enjoyed browsing all the Summer creations! Its amazing how they are all so different!
    Thanks Julia
    Ali X


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