
Wednesday 30 March 2011

Being Creative Gallery Check In ~ March

Hi Friends!

First of all, apologies for yesterday - Blogger decided to somehow simultaneously publish two posts of mine at once, so I'm very sorry for any confusion there!  I've decided to post the Gallery Check In a day early for the Being Creative participants (originally planned for tomorrow) seeing how that post sort of self published itself, I figured I might as well put it out there now in case participants were looking for it and wondering why they couldn't read it.  

I'm really looking forward to seeing what people have come up with for this month's theme of Garden.
For myself, the project so far has been really inspiring.  I've made time for creating art in mediums that I rarely use and without any real purpose in mind other than having fun with colour and having a theme to work with.  I liked the focus having a theme gave me, and I decided to create some art based on the bird life in my own garden working with collage and pastel crayons.

I think, working as an artist, it was a really relaxing process for me to be able to switch off from the business side of it all and just allow the freedom of Creating For Fun to flow.  I have been blown away by the gorgeous work that has been popping up in our Flickr Group already, and the group has only been established a couple of weeks.  Thank You to everyone who has subscribed to the group so far, and to those who have been adding work to the Flickr Group.

For those of you who would still like to share your work via your blog/Flickr or other photo hosting webpage, then you are very welcome to add your link to the widget below (please just link to the page your work features on).  Don't forget to use the whole caboodle of http://www...etc or else the link won't work.  Anyone who has already posted in the Flickr Group are also encouraged to share your images in the gallery here too!  It's going to be wonderful to have a monthly source to access everyone's work ~ and please don't be shy about sharing...encouragement and support is the key to growing in confidence with your creativity, and although it can feel a little scary, I think you will feel a huge sense of achievement when you share your work and get feedback from the other participants or blog readers here.

You will be able to add your Garden themed work to the gallery here until the end of April.  I will also be creating a list in the sidebar so that the gallery pages are easier for you to find.

For those of you who are working on the project and don't have the facility to share pictures of your work, then you are welcome to add your thoughts about your creative journey so far in the comments section at the bottom of this post.
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on taking part in the Being Creative Project, so please do share or feel free to email me privately.


Oooh!! An one last thing before we start to add our links - the theme for April is DESSERT

Again, this theme can be interpreted or taken in any direction you wish, or you can use the word as a focus point.  There will be another gallery opening at the end of the month here, but the Flickr group is available for you to add your pictures to every day if you wish.

If you would like to join the Being Creative group and haven't already then you are so very welcome to do so - it's totally free and you can take part on a regular or more infrequent basis, whatever works for you best.  You can register your commitment to taking part by clicking here and adding your link at the bottom of the page. 

And's the gallery for March - it's your turn! :)


  1. Thanks so much for organising this project Julia, it's just my cup of tea! Being given free reign on a 'theme' is a lot more inspiring than sitting staring at a blank canvas, so to speak!! I'm thoroughly enjoying seeing all the contributions too.


  2. Hello Julia! I just didn't get around to doing my 'Being Creative' for March. I was going to paint a garden and then use garden related words all over it in different fonts or handwriting. Maybe I will do it anyway when time permits. I really will try and do 'desserts' as I find the word inspiring!!! x

  3. Hello!

    Im really happy to be getting so much great feedback from folks about the group so thanks to all of you who have been in touch. Please don't worry if you don't create something each month, its very flexible and you can dip in and out of the themes as it suits you!

    Big thanks to all who signed up, and to those who took part in March, and welcome to those who are just signing up - I cant wait to see what April's theme of Dessert will bring following the amazing work that was shared for Garden.

    Much love
    Julia x

  4. My contribution for March is a photo collage of spring in our garden. I have also been drawing, but am still working on the project. I wonder if I'll feel confident enough to post, but I do feel a lot of bubbles stirring since I signed up for the Being Creative project. I think that's what it's all about. Thanks for encouraging us Julia!

  5. Caroline that's fantastic! I love your photograph, the colours are beautiful and resonate with Spring for me.
    I hope you can take a deep breath and share your drawing work here, the March Gallery will be open for links til the end of April, so you have plenty of time. I know it's a huge step for some of the participants to share images of their work, but this is a gentle and supportive group and you will be heartily encouraged with whatever you do!

    Thank you for sharing your work, sending love, J x

  6. Hi Julia,
    Thank you for setting up Being Creative - I've really enjoyed the challenge and also seeing everyone's work on flickr. As I don't have a blog do I just leave my work on flickr or can I still put it in the gallery? My technological skills are very limited so I'm not sure what to do!

    Thanks again,

  7. Hi Janet

    You are very welcome to use the link widget to post a link to your work in the Flickr group if you don't have a blog. Just go to your Flickr account, pick a picture and then copy the info in your blog browser ie: etc (by right clicking your mouse and selecting copy) and then paste that as your link using the widget here.

    If all that feels like a bit of a faff, don't worry, you don't have to link from the gallery, as your lovely work is in the group pool, it's entirely up to you!

    I hope that helps a bit :)
    J x

  8. Hello you,

    I've been catching up on your posts, and as always it is so very lovely to read them...

    Cerys is a clever little lady - what a beautiful picture to keep for the future...

    When is the Sheffield art show?

    I love your 'Being Creative', what a fab idea! I'm off to contemplate wether I can commit??

    Wishing you much sunshine too...


  9. Hi Lydia!
    How are you? Thank you for your lovely message, the art show is in July I think, but I made the decision not to enter after all - I only had one painting ready anyway and life is pretty full right now - it felt like something of a relief to have the burden of doing it removed...but, its still a smashing show and always worth a visit if you do decide to go.
    Much love, Julia x


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