
Tuesday 25 January 2011

Spring is Coming

I've started painting a new canvas...

At the moment I am trying to choose between a couple of names for it and I can't decide.  I'm going to wait until it's finished, sometimes a painting just names itself.

This work is very Spring themed, as I for one have had more than enough of winter - however, I have been inspired by tiny sightings of buds and little green shoots in the dark earth - and that is what originally inspired this particular piece - that and the odd longing to hang washing outdoors and to dry it with the fragrance of a fresh, cool breeze (or is that just me?? Ten years ago, that would never have been something to get excited about, must be a sign of heading towards 40 heehee!!).

Anyway, I can say at this stage in the proceedings that the painting isn't even half way there yet ~ I still need to add my clothes line full of billowing laundry, my wee lady hanging it out, and things happening in the garden allotment there...yes, that odd pale blue shape surrounded by those peaty brown shades will eventually be a greenhouse, perhaps with a bench, some tools and other gardening type paraphanalia.
There are plans for sheep beyond the cottage walls, maybe even some hens dotted about - it's going to be awash with snowdrops and crocus too...

Can you see it in your minds eye?

At the weekend, we had a little pootle over to Buxton.

This is St Ann's Well, where you will often see the local people filling up bottles with spring water.  The water comes from an underground spring and is geothermal - the water pouring out is very warm (which was a bit of a surprise) and a kind local chappie explained that it is heated deep down underground and forced upwards through layers of rock - or at least, something like that.  It also tastes very good, my Little Person told me this herself.

If you ever get a chance to visit Buxton, I can highly recommend the beautiful Pavillion Gardens and a couple of smashing little shops - The Pavillion Gift Boutique and Atticus Boo.

The drive home is pretty good too...

Mamtor - love how the land has been bleached by the cold, and that watery grey/blue sky above.

Driving through Winnat's Pass

Looking back across to Winn Hill and a beautiful sunset that suddenly appeared.

Before I go today, I would like to thank all of you for the generous and kind comments that you left me on my last post, about Home.  I've just been adding it as a print for sale in my online gallery shop, and for those of you who are signed up to my Mailing List, and may be interested in this, I will let you in on a little secret:  there is a special offer on open edition prints for my dear subscribers, so keep a look out later today for it arriving in your inbox (or junk.  I hear that sometimes the mail inadvertently ends up in junk check yours if you haven't had it, as it will be winging it's way out to you shortly).

If you are not already signed up to receive my E-Letter and would like to be, just click the link above, or the one in the sidebar with the blue envelope.

Right - that's me done for now, thanks very much for coming by - always lovely to see you here - I'll be back soon, got something Woolly and Marvellous to share with you.

Sending love, arm~loads of narcissi and cups of sweet, chamomile tea to you

Julia x


  1. Hi Julia, your painting promises to be as delightful as all your work, can't wait to see it finished!! xx

  2. Hi Julia even though the Winter landscape is bleak there is drama and beauty in it. We took my mother in law out for a drive over Snake pass to Hope and then through Edale the views were stunning - well when I was awake they were!
    Have a great week.
    Jo x

  3. Julia ~ I'm loving the idea of your painting with it's washing line of clothes blowing in the wind ~ can't wait to see it when it's finished :O)xx

  4. Oh, how lovely, your sweet Little Person and my sweet Little Person (my 6-year-old daughter) have got exactly the same hats!

    Lovely scenery, I'd love to go there one day.

  5. your new painting sounds like it's going to be glorious. I started a washing line fabric picture today, must be something optimistic in the air x

  6. Looking forward to seeing the finished painting it's already looking lovely!
    I too can't wait to get my washing on the line!!
    I remember being at that very spring when my children were little people too.
    I could do with an arm-load of narcissi, it's been so dull and grey here today.
    Vivienne x

  7. Great photos Julia - brings back memories of field trips on my geography course at Sheffield City College - many, many years ago!!

  8. Hello I love your painting and feel like you about lines of washing. This may make you laugh when I first watched Mama Mia did I admire the Greek scenery - a bit - did I lust after Colin Firth - a bit - did I say to myself just in my own head - Oh what a lovely line of washing - when the table cloths were hung across the yard - yes indeedy. I am over forty so maybe thats why. I even made myself laugh. Oh and I have a whirly gig and would love a washing line - is that a bit sad. You decide.

  9. Your 'home' painting in the previous post is lovely. I like all the sheep huddled together walking towards 'home' and the flock of birds aiming for the same direction. Your new painting looks lovely and springlike too. Did I see blossom on the tree in the foreground? Ahhh. Spring. x

  10. I wish I could paint. Loved your drive over to Buxton. Hoping to get out into the Peak District this weekend - if my current bout of cold clears up!) xxxx

  11. I love Buxton, such a lovely underated place - although its got a lot of funding for regeneration....

    My 2 smalls love the Opera house, many a lovely hour has been spent passing the time away with them there...

    Look a your little one! How lovely to get a sneaky peak..

    I will have to 'investigate' those shops now you have mentioned them....


  12. It's lovely to see your painting-in-progress, can't wait to see it when it's finished :-)

  13. It's coming on so well, can't wait to see it finished! I am too dreaming of spring and summer, working with the windows wide open, drying my washing outside, and maybe sneaking five minutes in the sunshine at lunchtime... sigh!! hopefully soon:) The scenery around you is stunning too, I've never been to the Peak District, but I grew up on a moortop in North Yorkshire, so that kind of rugged landscape holds so many memories for me... love all the dry stone walls!
    jenny xxx

  14. Hello Julia! What a lovely post! Your new painting looks so beautiful! I can see you get inspiration for your work - the most beautiful landscape!
    Have a lovely time! Teje

  15. Looking forward to seeing the painting as it progresses, from the description it sounds just lovely. Home is where the heart is, is a title that came to mind, as it seems to contain all those homely things, a productive and pretty garden, a cottage, chickens, spring flowers, washing on the line and so on. (Oh, and I managed the first one of the year two weekends ago when we had sunshine and a goodly breeze. It was SO nice to be able to do it... the simple things in life are the best).

  16. I love the look of the spring painting there! Love the pink blossom and the idea of the washing line and the veggies...really sweet! I enjoyed hearing about your trip to Buxton - I haven't been for a while but must go again soon, it's a lovely place. Have a great week. Helen x

  17. I can see where you get your curved hills inspiration now after seeing your photos of your drive. Gorgeous!


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