
Monday 17 January 2011

Happy Monday

Happy Monday to you!

On the weekend I was commissioned to make a Small Blanket for a certain person's new doll.  It's been a while since I did any crochet - and oh I did enjoy it!  Whenever there has been a long absence in between hooky times, I often ask the question "Why?"  I mean, it's relaxing, it's exciting, it's inspiring...and addictive - so how come I forget to do it of an evening?

Well, seeing as how I'm on a roll to free up my time (and oh people, it's actually working!!!) I reckon I can let another hour of dull TV go in order to be more productive.  I've got an idea for a summer shawl - and I'm wondering if I can construct one of my own design using 100's of circles...
I'm thinking along the lines of these sorts of colours, which are hugely inspiring at any time of year for little old me, but never more so than in the depths of a gloomy, cold January:

Can you imagine it?  Lots of varying shades, lots of little circles, or different sized ones come to that - Oh I can see it in my mind, it's so very lovely.

But will I get the chance I wonder?  Because I want to paint more too and there are only 24 hours in each day after all (and one must be realistic).  Even if I don't get round to the shawl, I'm delighted that the ideas are flowing again!

Anyway, I must tell you that the de-cluttering lark is going very well so far.  Not wanting to blow the proverbial trumpet too much, I must confess it's mostly down to the very good guidance of dear Tsh who I wrote about it my last post.

Her book is very good.

Today, about three years worth of old papers were shredded and the sideboard cupboards emptied and ruthlessly sorted.  Oh the relief!  I actually know where things are now!!
I am terrified I'm sounding like the most untidy creature to all of you.  The thing is with me, whilst my little abode is pretty neat all things considered, it consists of lots of neat piles of Unnecessary Things.  Clutter that we don't need, use or even see anymore come to think of it.

I squirrel things away...Just In Case.

But not any more.  We are sorting ourselves out!  The hard work is obviously in the sorting and the organising parts, but it's so worth it - it can feel daunting when you think of tackling an entire house, yes - but with a bit of planning and enthusiasm anything is possible.

And whilst I'm on the subject of organising, another fabulous thing I've discovered online is this:

For people like me, who like to make lists, and have bits of floaty paper here and there with Important Things written on (and that get lost more often than not), this is just fantastic.
It's like a little online notebook/journal thing, you can write information down, and even clip inspiring web pages to a note to look at later.  Perfect for a decorating project, or an online Inspiration Book me thinks!

It's free, and you can get yours here.

Before I go today, I just want to take the opportunity to say Hello to some new Followers - I do hope you're enjoying your visits here.

And last but not least, my little website has had a bit of a new years makeover.  It has a nice fresh new look that I'm most happy about, not to mention a lovely new portfolio page with click to enlarge photographs of most of my work.  You are very welcome to visit by clicking the link in the sidebar, or here.  To compliment the new look, I'm also going to be adding some new prints within the next couple of weeks - so exciting!  I hope you like the new design, do let me know your thoughts!

Have a sparkling day, thanks for visiting me,
Love Julia x x x


  1. Is there no end to your creative talents, Julia? I'm totally in awe!! Every time I come for a visit, there seems to be some other new skill that you pop out of your hat like a magician!

    Oh, and I LOVE the new look!


  2. Hi Julia , thankyou so much for your comments over at mine.
    Love the glimpse of your doll blanket , hope you are going to show us more . The shawl sounds like a lovely idea :0)
    Jacquie x

  3. Goodness me! Busy busy!!. You are getting a lot covered - cleaning, crochet, website. Well done. xx

  4. Oh Julia, do make the shawl, it sounds lovely. So summery too.

    There must be something in the water, I've also been manically sorting and tidying. It's so true that it declutters the mind and soul. Maybe there is something in feng shui after all?!

    Happy Monday to you.


  5. I love the isea and colours of your summer shawl and well done with your perseverancein de-cluttering, always feels superb once done! xox

  6. Goodness me Julia you have put me to shame with your busyness. After a weekend away I had lots to do but have spent most of the day faffing about.
    I really need to get organised :)
    Hope you have sparkly week.
    Jo x

  7. Hello Julia, lovely to read your post today! Yes, I can just visualise that shawl - little circles in those beautiful blue shades - it will be stunning! Hope you have a happy week. Helen x

  8. Hi Julia, I can see your beautiful shawlet! Would be nice to see if I see it like you... You could start it and enjoy making even it wouldn't be ready for this summer! I have one 'for ever' project which I take out time to time...
    Your new outlook is beautiful!
    Have a lovely week! xxx Teje

  9. Well done with the clear out - it's on my list, and desperately needs tackling but it is a little overwhelming! But I did start a notebook this year instead of scraps of paper - so far so good!
    I too watch far less TV, I started a couple of years ago just taping and watching what I was really interested in, it freed up so much time, though I do spend way too much time on the computer now, sorry waffling now. Can't wait to see how the shawl develops! x

  10. Such beautiful shades,I can see it too when I shut my eyes,it will be beautiful!!! I am so "Cluttered" it gets hard to be creative at times,I't must feel great to have the weight lifted,
    Have a beautiful week,Julie.x

  11. I think your summer shawl will be gorgeous, love the colours! Very inspirering to hear about your de-cluttering and creative projects :-)

  12. My fave colours too- whatever the time of year. Don't burn yourself out before the year has really got started, remember to have tea and biscuits and a wee sit down every now and then! Ax

  13. The summery shawl sounds lovely... I can see different shades of blues, different sizes of circles like you said, joined together randomly, in something light and fluffy, cool yet warming when it gets a bit chilly... and fringed too. I'll look forward to the photos then?

  14. Crochet with Raymond18 January 2011 at 18:17

    Hello Julia!
    I am on your page with decluttering! I did my entire home after christmas and it has made suuuuuuuuuuuch a difference to my energy levels and satisfaction! Good work, and enjoy sitting in your fresh new home!
    oh and I love the idea of a circles shawl, I've seen a scarf made from rowan mohair circles and am thinking i may neeeeeeeeeeeed one for winter, so I'd love to see yours in all of your seaside happy colours!
    Have a lovely week

  15. Hi Julia,

    So, exactly HOW did you free up the time? I need to know, lol.

    Id also like to find more time to paint.
    You are sounding oh so organised! Its great.


  16. Hi Julia. So happy to see you at Tangled Happy today. Thought it was well past time to stop in and see what is happening here. Love that colorful little doll blanket. Off to see your shop made over. :)

  17. Oh Julia, I do know what you mean about the de-cluttering. I have stacks of files of paper junk I somehow thought was necessary to keep. It takes time to sift through though. I love the colors you have turned to for inspiration. The little doll blanket also looks very cute.

  18. Glad you found your hook again and inspiration.
    I am the opposite and have been crocheting a lot since the new year. It's so comforting and cosy with a blanket on your lap of an evening dreaming of camping trips to come.
    I have a huge chocolate here lovely Julia, fancy a slice and a brew?
    Ali xx

  19. being a terrible clutter collector myself i continue to be inspired.

    the little glimpse of blankie is so enticing .. you are such a tease! hope to see more.

    enjoy your busy busy week xx


  20. I think your new shawl will be lovely! I once made a table runner in purple,teal, blue and white that was all circles of different sizes.It worked well. I'm sure your shawl will too, particularly in those gorgeous colours :)

  21. Hi Julia
    I am so going to use what you recommended Evernote - sounds so ideal for me that makes notes all over the place and then can't remember where I put them. I had a clear out not long ago and burnt the motor in my shredder!!! Love your idea for the shawl sounds lovely lets hope you find the time to realise your dream.
    have fun

  22. Julia, you have been extraordinarily busy, and using your time wisely too...once the decluttering bug gets you, you want to go through everything! I'm one for tidy piles...and then realise there's nothing in the piles I really need!

    D xox


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