
Friday 2 April 2010

Easter Time

Happy Easter To All of You!

First of all, I must say how overwhelmed I was to receive so many nice comments about the pattern I posted last week. I wonder if any of you have tried it out yet, if you have, do let me know - Id love to hear if it worked alright - and to see any pictures if you have any to share!

Well, this has been one busy old week for us here - hence the late post. I've also had a rather disgusting head cold descend upon me which has brought with it a general fuzziness and hacky cough, not to mention random periods of awful fact as I write this my poor little head wishes it were laying on a nice soft pillow, in a nice warm bed upstairs but no chance of that - there is a Small Person who is demanding I make sea creatures out of Play Doh and so all those kinds of luxury thoughts must be postponed! However, a few moments spent writing to you all is harmless enough, as from my table I can see she is concentrating hard on making an octopus!

So, in the midst of my head cold, I travelled south on Tuesday with the Other Half to meet up with an old friend whom we haven't seen in ten goodness, Facebook is responsible for some rather amazing re-connections when you think about it, isn't it? It was really good to see our friend again after so long, and to meet his lovely wife who I seem to share alot in common with - the only problem was that it was all over way too fast, and before we knew it we were heading north again!

So, it's quite nice to be sitting still after all the driving about, I often wonder how in my Previous-Life-Before-A-Child I used to do that for a living, scooting up and down the country and over to Ireland in the blink of an eye thinking nothing of it! Now, although I love to go away, I seem to like coming home more and more, to all my little home comforts...and it's often the silly things that welcome me home too, the thought of seeing a bag of unfinished crochet on the chair ready to be picked up again, a pot of flowers outside the back door, or just my own pillow to sleep upon!

Well, changing the subject slightly, I have been given an award. I was actually given this a week or so ago, and it was from Coco Rose who's Blog you must visit if you haven't already, its such a lovely one! Thank you very much (and very belatedly) to Vanessa for passing this award on to me!

Anyway...there are some rules, these being that I must pass this award on to seven other blogs and reveal seven interesting things to you about me that you might not know...well, I can probably find seven things, whether you find them interesting or not remains to be seen!! :D

Ive found it quite hard to select seven blogs from all the absolutely delicious ones that I visit, not to mention the ones that must be out there that I haven't even discovered yet - but I'm being a Good Blogger and playing by the rules on this, so I have chosen this award to go to the following people!

Please forgive me if you aren't in this tiny list - it was really very hard to choose and rest assured I love all of your blogs! In fact, right now before I give you Seven Facts, Im going to apologise for being a bit of a lame Blog Bud of late, it's all down to not having much time this week to come and see you, but I do know that, don't you!

So...Seven Facts, let me see...OK, here we go:

1. One of my favourite secret night-time snacks is bread sticks dipped in the Green & Blacks chocolate spread jar.

2. I once lived and worked on the Isle of Wight for a summer

3. I taught myself to speak Spanish

4. I love French cookery

5. I would love to camp in a tipi and have discovered it's quite possible to do it in this country, and in some really pretty places too!

6. Rick Savage from Def Leppard once came to one of my parties

7. I'm quite afraid of heights, but walked the rope bridge at Carrick-a-Rede in Northern Ireland and felt very, very chuffed with myself for doing it (the link takes you to a rather fabulous photograph on Flickr of it, if you aren't sure where I mean).

So, there are seven things about me! I'm off now to make Play Doh creatures, and to get myself another mug of tea and perhaps another mini hot cross bun (well, they're rather small so it can't hurt can it?) I hope you all have a Happy Easter Weekend, look forward to catching up with you soon and don't forget to say Hello if you stop by will you, I'll make sure to come and see you if you do!

Much love, chocolate and sunshine to you
Julia x x x


  1. You're a very brave girl, having stood and looked at Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge many times, I would never in a million years cross it!!!
    Happy Easter. :)
    Vivienne x

  2. Yes brave indeed!! Thank you very much for the award,how exciting! Will do my seven things about me over the weekend and pass it on.Have a lovely Easter! x x x

  3. Thank you so much Julia for this award, with so many glorious blogs to choose from I am very touched you chose mine. I'm off away till Tuesday but plan on grabbing this opportunity to talk about myself when I get back. Oh and thanks for entering my giveaway....
    I need to lie down too I think, I am coming down with a cold and hope it doesn't come to much. Pretty please....
    Ali xx

  4. I just this minute noticed I am not a Follower, shame on me!!! I thought I'd done that yonks ago!

  5. Happy Easter Julia! I have made one tiny heart so far but it doesn't look as good as yours! I am very impressed that you can speak spanish. I can count to 10 in Japanese but that's about it!!! I hope that you recover from your head cold soon. My blog is missing you! X

  6. hello Julia

    i am definitely intending on making some of your lovely crochet heart bunting. i meant to start the other night but unfortunately other things needed attending too. now i plan to make some over the easter hols. have selected some pretty wool and it's all ready in a little bag, waiting for what will be my first crochet project this year to begin. i've never worked from a pattern before (due to being dyslexic and dyspraxic) but i am up for the challenge and having read through yours it's so well written, i think i really might be able to manage. i will certainly post some pics when i do.

    i hope you are feeling lots better soon and are able to enjoy a sniffle free easter.

    i am a green and black's chocolate spread fiend too...i eat mine on rice crackers, must try it with breadsticks, sounds yummy!

    happy holidays to you xxx

    love and hugs


  7. Oh Bless You! Sounds a bit like what I had... At least I could sleep whilst Things 1 & 2 were at school.

    Loved the 7 facts.

    Hope you feel better very soon & that you have a lovely Easter.

    Love Lydia xx

  8. Thank you so much for the award and your lovely comments on my blog - they mean alot! Hope you feel better soon and Happy Easter to you xx

  9. Hello poorly you,

    You sound like you've got a bit of what I had. Hope you are feeling ooodles better soon, its hard work with a little one when you are poorly.

    Loved the 7 facts about yourself.

    Take care & I hope you get to enjoy Easter with the little lady.

    Love Lydia xx

  10. Congratulations on your award Julia...I am going to go and check out these wonderful blogs (a couple I know, but the others I dont and I do love finding new and interesting blogs).
    I havent crocheted up a little heart or two as yet, it is on my list though as they are really delightful.

    Have a wonderful Easter and I hope you are over your rotten cold.

    Jacky xox

  11. Happy Easter Julia ~ I hope that you have a very lovely Easter weekend :O)x

  12. Thank you Julia, that is just so lovely and I love reading your 7 facts. As for teaching yourself a language - let's just say I am very impressed. Lots of love, kate (the greedy for colour one).

  13. Thanks for the award Julia, I'll run with this at the end of the week. I love your 7 things - when you practice your French Cookery, give me a ring and i'll pop round!!! xxxx

  14. hope you are feeling better and enjoyed yesterday's sunshine

  15. Carrick-a-Rede rope brave, brave, brave MAD woman!! I have been there many times and refuse to cross it! Not in a million years... LOL!!! Cx

  16. Hope you've had a wonderfully chocolatey Easter.

  17. Hello there, happy easter. We are just back from our easter break so am late in responding. Lovely to hear a bit more about you.
    I have the same horrid cough at the moment and it has lingered for too long now. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Rachael xx

  18. Hope you're feeling much better...
    I loved the 7 things about you..
    Take care


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