
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Simple Pleasures and Coming Home

Oh for home!  Oh for a warm backyard, crocheted blankets, bright cushions, iced lemon water and the comforting hug of home!
Last week was spent in Wales, we went down to empty my partner's childhood home.  Since his Mum passed away last Autumn, and his Dad was moved to a nursing home up country near to us, the last thing remaining to do was to sell the house, and now the new owners are ready to move in so we went down to tackle the Big Job of emptying it. 
It was a strange old week, one which was draining and yet not without it's blessings.  In the face of loss we realise the true gifts we have in one another and how precious and fragile this life of ours is.  Walking through those rooms that have sat in silence since October, we felt the energy stir again and scents and stories from the past greeted us as we wandered through the house, taking stock of what needed to be done.  It was a bigger job than any of us could have imagined and I think we all underestimated the amount of stuff we would have to shift.  By the end of the week we were ready for some salty sea air to cleanse our tired bodies and weary minds.  We woke up on Thursday to beautiful blue skies, and set off in the car for the Gower.
Oxwich Bay greeted us like a postcard, a crescent moon of a bay stretching all the way around to Three Cliffs with a backdrop of cerulean blue sky and white clouds.  We found a sandy spot on the beach and breathed in the tangy sea air, deep gulps that refreshed those dusty corners of our souls.
I'm very happy sitting by the sea, watching the world go by.  I also like walking in the shallows looking for shells and pebbles which I'll collect and take back for my daughter to adorn sandcastles and sand pies with.  I like solitary strolls, watching the boats and feeling at peace with the world.  I like to take time out to empty my mind and dream.
We travelled home on Friday, and opening the door to my little house was one of the most pleasing things...have you ever sighed out loud with happiness to be home?  I did.
I looked around with complete satisfaction at my colourful room, noticing how bright everything looked.  We decided to have a weekend of hunkering down doing pretty much nothing at all, except for a spot of planting (some rocket and Italian salad), napping and eating.  Such weekends are a tonic, and necessary for replenishing ourselves now and then.  Deep baths and pyjama's also featured, as well as deep healing sleeps and gratitude for all that we have.
I forgot to tell you about the wild garlic on the way to Oxwich.  As we drove down country lanes towards the sea, the scent of this gorgeous wild plant filled the car and we gasped at the huge banks and drifts of starry white flowers in the cool shade of emerald green glades and woodland. 
I think this time of year is such a beautiful one.  May seems to froth over with succulence and abundance wherever you look, so rich and lush is our countryside and coast with colour and greenery.  I'm grateful for small moments such as this one, and I smile now as I recall winding the car window down and sticking my head out, the wind rushing into my face and filling it with the heady aroma of that delicious herb.  There was a deep blue sky above, my little girl singing in the back of the car, a deep breath taken....and all was well with the world once more.
Simple things.
J x


  1. Dear Julia,
    Recently I had been following the progress for your fantastic exhibition on facebook but thought you weren't writing any more blog posts (because of the workload) as I haven't been getting any on my normal email.
    I used to get them before in my yahoo inbox, has something changed? Please let me know how to receive them again.
    Today I've been catching up on some of your latest posts and as usual they've brought a smile to my face. You are quite right about enjoying the small simple things in life. I tend towards negativity and I know this has to change. The little simple things are those that matter.
    Lovely to be back here, Pati x

  2. Hi Pati, Im so pleased you found me again - I had the unfortunate problem of losing all my suscribers when I moved from Wordpress to Blogger. It was a terrible feeling, and Im now rebuilding a brand new blog and all my followers again from scratch. You are welcome to sign up for emails from this blog now if you wish, there's a link at the top of the page. Lovely to hear from you, hope all's well with you.
    Love Julia x x x

  3. Thanks Julia,
    I have entered my email address to get your posts directly.
    It's really good to read your blog again.
    I hope you are feeling better. Recently I've been feeling quite lethargic too. Perhaps it is to do with this crazy weather??
    Have a nice day,
    Pati x


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